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Kensington FP140W9 Filtro de privacidad para pantallas sin marco 35.6 cm (14")


Kensington FP140W9, Computadora portátil, Filtro de privacidad para pantallas sin marco, Negro, Antirreflectante, 16:9, Resistente a los arañazos

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$ 1,027

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Trust Kensington, the choice of IT professionals, to help protect the sensitive information on your laptop and reduce the chances of wandering eyes viewing confidential data on your screen. FP Series Laptop Privacy Screens limit the field of vision to +/- 30 degrees so a person off to the side only sees a dark screen. They are easy to install, either with included frameless tab holders or double-sided tape. The reversible privacy screens also use an anti-reflective coating to reduce glare, and they filter out harmful blue light by up to 30 percent.Limits viewing angle to +/- 30°, hiding personal or confidential information from anyone trying to look from the sideReduces harmful blue light by up to 30%Can be installed using the included frameless tab holders or double-sided tapeAnti-reflective coating reduces glare and improves clarityReversible with matte and glossy viewing optionsProtects the monitor screen from scratches and damageCleaning cloth includedCleaning cloth includedKensington FP140W9. Adecuado para: Computadora portátil, Tipo: Filtro de privacidad para pantallas sin marco, Color del producto: Negro. Características del filtro de pantalla: Antirreflectante, Relación de aspecto: 16:9, Funciones de protección: Resistente a los arañazos. Tamaño máximo de pantalla: 35.6 cm (14"), Diagonal de pantalla: 35.6 cm. Ancho: 266.7 mm, Altura: 370.8 mm, Profundidad: 0.508 mmDiseñoAdecuado paraComputadora portátilTipoFiltro de privacidad para pantallas sin marcoColor del productoNegroCaracterísticasCaracterísticas del filtro de pantallaAntirreflectanteRelación de aspecto16:9Resistente a arañazosSiFunciones de protecciónResistente a los arañazosFácil de sacarSiErgonomíaTamaño máximo de pantalla35.6 cm (14")Diagonal de pantalla35.6 cmPeso y dimensionesAncho266.7 mmAltura370.8 mmProfundidad0.508 mm
slot gacor pragmatic4d